
Mobile number to recharge

Enter the mobile number you want to recharge.

Choose the product and amount you want to transfer.
❗Make sure you have enough stc balance.

Please enter your stc number to pay by phone

Enter your 📲 🇧🇭 stc number and Click next.
stc Number must start with 3 followed by 7 digits
stc Prepaid: 

The amount is deducted from your prepaid phone balance.

Postpaid LTE: 

The amount is charged to your monthly phone bill.

Confirm Payment

You are recharging with (before taxes)

💬 You will receive a SMS with a payment code.
💸 Enter the payment code from SMS. Click “Pay”.

By entering the SMS code above, I confirm that I am the registered owner of the stc Bahrain account shown below and authorise the deduction of funds or charge-to-bill over the amount shown.

BD will be charged to your number +973

Transfer Processed :)

Dear customer, your request is being processed. You will receive a notification SMS regarding your request.
  • Step 1  Enter the international mobile number:
               📲 🇵🇰 +92xxxxxxxx, 📲 🇮🇳 +91xxxxxxx, 📲 🇧🇩 +880xxxxxx
  • Step 2  Choose the product and amount you want to transfer.
               ❗Make sure you have enough stc balance.
  • Step 3  Enter your 📲 🇧🇭 stc number and Click next.
  • Step 4  💬 You will receive a SMS with a payment code.
               💸 Enter the payment code from SMS. Click “Pay”.
               🙏 If successful, charges will be deducted from your balance.

Recharge any international mobile number from your stc balance

With International Airtime Transfer, you can transfer credit to friends or family in the following countries: Pakistan, Philippines, Indonesia, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Egypt, Ghana, United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Russia, Tunisia, Nigeria, Qatar, Iraq, Oman, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Thailand, Turkey